Fixer Family Policies

We know this is usually a drop-dead, BORING page.

Like, we’d rather redo the plumbing of an entire house in copper (not Pex), than read a disclosure policy.

[For those of you who don’t know, redoing an entire house’s plumbing in copper, not Pex, would be a living NIGHTMARE. A months long LIVING NIGHTMARE.]

But, alas, it’s important, and legal, so here we go.

Disclosure Policy:

We write and/or make videos because we love to write and/or make videos. When we put this website together in 2019-2020 we did it with the intent of sharing our experiences while fixing up old homes.

That does NOT mean that how we do things is how YOU should do things.

We are not ‘licensed’ in anything related to home building or contracting. Ryan has years of experience from working with his contractor uncle building homes, and fixing homes/cars/tractors with his dad.

If you have concerns about your home, you should contact a trustworthy professional in your local area. Make sure to properly vet them and read lots of reviews.

It is a goal that this humble blog is a source of income for our growing family. HOWEVER, we will never promote a brand, company, book, ebook, product, etc. if we don’t first have a great experience with or view of it or them ourselves.

Our integrity, the integrity of this blog and the content we create, is worth more than any income we could make from unreliable, untrustworthy advice.

When we write sponsored posts, we will disclose that at the beginning of the post. We promise that the words are our own and, as stated above, will only encourage you to check something out that we really appreciate.

Privacy Policy:

We promise to never share your email, personal or contact information with 3rd parties (except after a giveaway when brands are involved, and with your permission).

We do not store info regarding your visit to the blog other than to analyze your experience and create more focused content. (I.e. did you stay long? What posts get the most traffic?)

To read the more in-depth legal privacy policy, go here!)

Comment Policy:

This website is a labor of love sharing our experience and knowledge with you, our awesome readers. It is a place you can come to learn, share, grow and laugh when we do something funny (or stupid).

That said, we reserve the right to approve (or NOT approve) comments. There is a place for everyone in this big, wide world – except for maybe trolls. Trolls belong back in the cave (or basement) from which they came.

In other words, don’t be a troll and you’ll get along fine here!

That’s all, Folks!

That wasn’t too stick-a-fork-in-your-eye painful, was it? We sincerely hope you enjoy your stay and come back to visit often!

Don’t forget to follow us on our social media to keep up with all our crazy projects!

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