Fixer #2 – Little House, Big Trouble

Fixer #2Fixer #2

This was our second home purchase, but first single family home. We bought it knowing it was a major renovation – meaning we would be tearing out walls, gutting the kitchen and bath, adding a bath and re-configuring everything.


Like every Fixer probably ever, we underestimated what needed done.


Every room in the house had to be torn down to the studs, re-insulated, drywalled and floored, except for 2/3rds of the living room.

It had severe problems, including (but not limited to) pests, fire/water damage which grew black mold in a large amount of the sleeping areas, major structural issues, and more. All of that was so much worse because we were living in it through all of it, with a baby.


Our second baby, Baby Girl, was born here, and we moved on to Fixer #3 when she was a couple weeks past 2 years old.


We originally bought the house for $36,000 and sold it for $106,000. Take a look below at the way this house transformed.